
Welcome to my make money online experiment - an experiment to see whether the average person can make money on the internet.

Simply use the index of links (right) to navigate your way around this blog

Go to Chapter 1

Thursday, 5 March 2009

chapter 13 - New branding

I have decided on a name for my network of websites. It is to be called "the you-cube network." I will link back to the you-cube blog from every other blog, website and forum that I have - to build up the Google Pagerank of my new HQ. It is under construction currently, but you can check out the blog below...


Meanwhile, February's earnings were pleasing - especially as January's were so poor.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Chapter 12 - updates

I still haven't thought of a name or made any progress with the branding, but my change of ad placement on my forum appears to be doing better. However, January's revenue has easily been the lowest so far.

I haven't had much time for my online projects of late, but now I'm back and ready to increase my part of the web. I am working on a new forum, details will be available soon. I have also been printing posters and adding them to notice boards

Monday, 19 January 2009

Chapter 11A - Change of ad placement

I've decided to change the placement & layout of my ads on my latest free advertising forum. Here is my new ad layout.....


728 x 90 Leaderboard
{forum content}
336 x 250 Large Rectangle (image) 336 x 250 Large Rectangle (text/image)

viewforum_body & viewtopic_body
336 x 250 Large Rectangle (image) 336 x 250 Large Rectangle (text/image)
{forum content}
728 x 90 Leaderboard


If you have any comments or ideas about my ad placement, please feel free to leave a comment.

On the index page, I've kept the large rectangle ads near the bottom. Guests may be put off from registering if they see too many ads at first glance. However, I'm looking forward to trying two Large Rectangles together - this is a strategy I've seen employed on other websites. So, I've decided that viewforum_body & viewtopic_body will have these double ads at the top of the page.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Chapter 11 - New Branding


January has proven to be slow, so far, but my concern this month is to come up with a brand - which I could use to network all of my websites, blogs & forums together.

I am trying to find a completely unique name for my network, so that at anytime, I can see all of my network at a glance - by searching for this unique term in a search engine.

If you have any ideas, please leave me a comment :)

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Chapter 10 - Highest Earnings in a month

December has been the best month I've had so far! Earnings of 196%, edging out previous best of 195% in August.

My latest free advertising forum now has 18 members and traffic is slowly starting to flow. A lot of clicks have come from this forum already, so when it grows, I will consider paying for a proper domain and hosting package.